New Jersey Named Most Haunted State To Live In. Here’s Why:
Spooky season is apparently all year long in New Jersey according to a new report from Home Advisor. The report named the Garden State as “the most haunted” place to live in.
Home Advisor came out with their 2022 report stating that the probability of buying a haunted home in New Jersey is 30.2%, the highest ranked of any state in the nation. The company researched where there have been reports of death, homicide, apparition sightings, and paranormal activity in homes.
The site came up with each state’s percentages by researching the “number of homes for sale in each U.S. state during August of 2022 to the number of “haunted” and “creepy” homes in every state to determine the probability rate of homebuyers in every corner of the country winding up in a Halloween house.”
Home Advisor used Zillow and Redfin to determine the amount of homes for sale in each state. Afterward, HouseCreep helped them calculate the number of “creepy” and “haunted” homes in each of those states. “Haunted homes” are based on the number of homes with previous deaths, homicides, and paranormal reports. By contrast, “creepy homes” are based on the number of homes with crime, damage, drug, and sketchy reports.
“New Jersey comes in first place as the most haunted state in America with just over a 30% probability of moving right into a haunting,” the site states. “This may not surprise some, considering New Jersey is also one of the smallest states on the east coast. It’s also a state rife with spooky attractions, like the empty and eerie Batsto Village, a 251-year-old ghost town abandoned when people discovered coal in the neighboring state of Pennsylvania.”
Following behind New Jersey with the amount of “haunted homes” in the state are:
2. Ohio (29.9 %)
3. New York (27.4%)
4. New Hamsphire (26.9%)
5. Massachusetts (23.5%)
However New Jersey did not make the cut for the most “creepy homes.” Take a look at the top five for most “creepy homes” below:
1. Wyoming (17.3%)
2. Vermont (15.5%)
3. Alaska (13.5%)
4. North Dakota (12.5%)
5. South Dakota (11.1%)